Primula cuneifolia var. hakusanensis

Family Primulaceae
Scientific name Primula cuneifolia Ledebour var. hakusanensis (Franchet) Makino
Synonyms Primula cuneifolia Ledebour subsp. hakusanensis (Franchet) W. W. Smith & Forrest; Primula cuneifolia Ledebour var. hakusanensis (Franchet) Makino forma alba H. Hara
Common name (Japanese common name) hakusan-ko-zakura (ハクサンコザクラ, 白山小桜 [meaning: Michinoku small sakura-sou [Michinoku = an old name of Tohoku region, sakura-sou = Primula sieboldii])
(English common name) none
Distribution (Japan) Honshu (north of Central region)
(Other nations) none
Habitat Alpine or subalpine rocks or wet fields
Chromosomal number 2n=22 (2x)
Description Leaves 3-8cm long, 1-2.5cm wide. Scapes 5-15cm tall. Flowers pink or white (forma nivea) ca. 2cm across, flowering in July to August. Fruits 5mm long. Perennial plants.
Note Rare species. Endemic to Japan.

Photo by Madame Popow Photo by Madame Popow
July 2008
at Mt. Tairppyo
July 2008
at Mt. Hiuchi