Lysimachia barystachys

Family Myrsinaceae (also placed in Primulaceae)
Scientific name Lysimachia barystachys Bunge
Synonyms none
Common name (Japanese common name) noji-tora-no-o (ノジトラノオ, 野路虎尾 [meaning: field roadside tiger tail])
(English common name) Manchurian yellow loosestrife
Distribution (Japan) Honshu (west of Kanto region), Kyushu
(Other nations) Russia, Korea, China
Habitat Wet field
Chromosomal number 2n=24
Description Plants 70-100cm tall. Leaves 6-10cm long, 8-15mm wide. Flowers inflorescences 10-30cm long and 2-3cm across, pedicels 4-7mm long, white corollas 8-10mm across, flowering in June to July. Perennial plants.
Reference Lysimachia barystachys Bunge
Note There are various natural hybrids with Lysimachia clethroides Duby and Lysimachia fortunei Maximovicz.

June 2007
at Ushiku Forest Park
June 2007
at Ushiku Forest Park
June 2007
at Ushiku Forest Park

June 2007
at Ushiku Forest Park
June 2007
at Ushiku Forest Park